Felipe Gallego - Laboratory Director

Felipe Gallego

Laboratory Director



  • Spanish
  • English
  • French
  • Catalonian

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Academic Training:

-Degree in Biology in the speciliality of Biohealth from the University of Barcelona (2003)
-Masters in Human Reproduction from the University of Santiago de Compostela (2005)
-Stay at the Edith Cavell Hospital to train in oocyte and embryo vitrification.(2006)
-Medical Tourism Marketing Professional
-Member of Spanish Society of Reproduction (SEF)
-Member of Association for the study of Reproduction biology (ASEBIR)
-Member of the Balearic College of Biologists


Articles and Presentations
Oocyte vitrification: a quick, simple and strongly needed technique.
F. Gallego-Terris, R. Calafell, J.J.Salva, B. Darder. Published in the Iberoamerican Journal of Human Fertility and Reproduction. Pág. 253-258. July-August 2007

Vitrification with non-commercial means. Our experience .
Oral presentation at the Simposium Anacer de Canarias in October 2006

Use of polarized light system for in-vitro fertilisation for the selection of best embryo.
Oral presentation at the LXIV Congreso da Sociedade Galega de Obstetricia e Xinecología in 2009

Embryonic Transfer: its importance in the result of IVF.
Oral presentation at the IV Curso de actualidad en genética y en técnicas de reproduccin asistida IVI Vigo in 2009

Poloscope: applications in the assisted reproduction laboratory.
Oral presentation at the V Symposium Reproduccin Humana Asistida por la clínica Iraga in 2009

Arrays of comparative Genomic Hybridation (aCGH): a new paradigm in PGS?
Oral presentation at the IV forum Monteprincipe Madrid in 2014

Areas of interest

Reproduction techniques humana
Cryopreservation of ovules and embryos
Fertility preservation
Gamete donation
Ovule bank
Medical Genetics
Quality and safety in the IVF laboratory
Time-lapse embryo Microscope

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